Home / Music / Songs / Song Albums / Looking Inside (EP) / Dreams


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The four AM high winds got me out of bed
Melatonin drowsy and I’m stumbling ahead
I peek outside and see umbrellas on the ground
I make a mental note and turn right back around

I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me
Nothing to be done, I’m here it’s plain to see

Morning coffee wakes me up, so I am here alert
I recall umbrellas and I’m glad no one was hurt
I step outside to look and complete to my surprise
Umbrellas stand erect and I can-not believe my eyes

I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me
Nothing to be done, I’m here and that’s the key

An old sage raised a question, regarding one of his dreams
He dreamed he was a butterfly fluttering its wings
After waking up he was himself without doubt
Unless it was a butterfly dreaming the account

I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me
I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me

The butterfly could dream of me and I will be alive,
If that’s the case there is no need for me for any strive
I might as well go along with dreaming and awake
The whole ordeal is funny if I’m really not a fake

I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me
I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me
I’m a butterfly, dreaming it is me
Nothing to be done, I’m here it’s plain to see

I’m a butterfly, I’m a butterfly, I’m a butterfly